Thursday 31 July 2008

Carrot Cake

After trying the excellent carrot cake in Sherlock's in Whitby I thought I would give making it a shot. I have never made carrot cake and so I had a search on the UKTV food website and got a recipe from Roopa Gulati that looked easy enough for a beginner. The recipe is good and the cake itself was very tasty. However, I ran into the issues I often do when using recipes and following them to the letter - that they don't always adhere to the instructions! The recipe said 20-25 minutes for cooking and but in my fan oven it took 50 minutes and teh last ten minutes I put the temp up. So next time I will adjust the time. Also, the icing was 'gloopier' and ran quite fast when icing the cake and I think needs more icing sugar. But none of these things is a criticism in a negative way. The thing I like about cooking is discovering something new and then adapting it to your kitchen, oven and tastes. So, we will polish off this first attempt and then next weekend I will 'refine' the recipe with my own additions and then post about whether it improves it or not. This to me is teh exciting bit, going on a wee adventure with ingredients and the like and developing a recipe that is yours and suits your needs and tastes!

1 comment:

african vanielje said...

I know just what you mean Jane, it is so frustrating, but you seem to know how to fix it. Good luck with next weeks carrot cake.