Saturday 27 June 2009

my dream desk

I have always imagined having a lovely sunny room, lined with bookshelves with some comfy chairs, a coffee machine and an elegant yet sturdy desk for me to read, write and dream at. Well, I have at least found the desk! The winner of this year's Grand Design (best furniture design) is the Yves desk from Pinch Design and I love it to pieces. The best pic is on the front page of the website so go visit - I just have the one below - although it still makes me wish I had a spare £1850.

It is sleek and simple and I love the green leather surface. I hate desks that have bits and pieces under the main surface - racks or drawers - I like space to wriggle my legs about! Also - while you can't see it, there are management holes in the back in case you have computer equipment you want to hook up on the desk but keep tidy and neat and not detracting from the beauty of the desk itself. I am sure if I had this desk that Booker prize winning novel would be produced in no time...

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